'Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions, whereas the other colours are not' - Yves Klein (1928-1962)

If I critically reflect on my work, I identify both contemporary and postmodern influences. My career has progressed from easel painting to technical installations and has been shaped by emerging skills through my degree in design and photography. I identify a common theme in my recent work, 'self-doubt', and my works can be categorised into painting, photography, and conceptual installations. I move from direct to implicit, from traditional to contemporary.
Early in my artistic journey, I understood that different audiences would hold other concepts or expectations of 'art'. What the public appraise as 'good art' will almost certainly be different from what professionals and critics consider 'good'. My work shows a conscious human dimension. That is, I hope to understand art and observe the world from the perspective of an "ordinary person".
The works are based on my own experiences of confusion and self-denial whilst living overseas and pursuing my creative path as a dreamer. When I first tried creating something, my works weren't recognised. I was always disheartened during that time, and the world I saw was blue and cold, so most of my works are completely immersed in the heavy blue colour. Some series also incorporate the notion of gender inequality, presented from a female perspective. Experiences of gender inequality can also cause some women to experience self-doubt, making this a pivotal theme.

Stepping into Blue, Getty Iris
「如果你在想我本人是不是特別喜歡藍色,那你錯了。我最喜歡的顏色並不是藍色,甚而一度覺得這種顏色過分柔軟做作了。我與藍色那段久遠的記憶還得緩緩說起。那個時候的我才剛開始在海外生活,儼然一個入門不久的藝術系學生。 我的作品沒有風格,畫著小橋流水,阿貓阿狗,石膏維納斯等俗套的事物。就是這樣的一個我,一次又一次被展覽和雜誌社拒絕。剛好在當時那個節骨眼上,我的家境深陷窘蹙。耳旁是別人口中的沒風格,內裏是深深的自責與掙紮。一次我從展館回家,手上抱著被退回來的畫,我看著墨爾本的鳥在站臺上飛來飛去,眼中是風吹的疼痛,是眼淚湧上心頭還是被風吹的早已記不清了。我想我這輩子也忘不掉此刻,那短短的十幾秒,我什麽顏色也看不見了,我的世界徹底地淹沒在了茫茫的一片藍色中。正如藝術圈的一句名言,也許藝術與生活永遠無法和平共存吧,沒有歷經彌苦與失去,又怎會有所謂獲得?我與藍色之間,實際上也是一段苦中帶甜的歲月。」
Address: Room 1009, Renfeng Building,No.490, Tianhe Rd, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Tel: 852-5313-6691 | luoxunmei@gmail.com
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China|Master of Arts - Fine Arts (Contemporary Art Practice)
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia|Bachelor of Design - Graphic Design (Distinction)
Luo Xunmei, "The Aesthetic View of the 'Changshen' Theory and Its Interpretation in Paintings," Art Evaluation, CNKI Provincial Journal, China Core Journal Selection Database, no. 12 (707), 2024, pp. 31-37.
Luo Xunmei, "The Development and Consummation of Minimalism: a 'Subtractive Aesthetics'," Arts Studies and Criticism (ASC), CNKI & Google Scholar, vol. 5, no. 3, 2024, pp. 141-143.
Luo Xunmei, "Revolutionary for its age – Chinese contemporary art in women," Research and Commentary on Humanities and Arts, CNKI & Google Scholar, vol. 2, no. 7, 2024.
2024 Triple Joint Exhibition for the 75th Anniversary of New China, Xicheng Red Square, Harbin, China
2024 The 2nd Suifenhe Creative Design Exhibition, Nangang, Harbin, China
2024 Harbin Normal University Art Museum Annual Exhibition, Nangang, Harbin, China
2024 3 Mins and 60 Sec, MA Exhibition, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
2024 The 1st Nanji Wetland Ecological Art Show, Poyang Lake Nanji, Xinjian, Nanchang, China
2023 The 8th Guangdong Contemporary Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Guancheng, Dongguan, China
2023 Abstraction · Expression Exhibition, 21 Space Art Museum, Guancheng, Dongguan, China
2022 BIYUNLIUYINJI, V-PARK Future Lifestyle Innovation Center, Liede, Guangzhou, China
2022 Luo Xunmei Solo Exhibition, MAKING SPACE, Xinzao Town, Guangzhou, China
2022 ArtOne Show, ArtOne International Art Center, Yuexiu, Guangzhou, China
2021 MSDx Summer, Melbourne School of Design, Melbourne, Australia
2021 The APC Art Show, Albert Park College, Melbourne, Australia
2020 Bayside International Art Show, Brighton, Melbourne, Australia
2019 Camberwell Art Show, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
2019 Clare Town Art Show, Clare Town Hall, Clare, Australia
2019 Flagstaff Hill Art Show, Flagstaff Hill School, Flagstaff Hill, Australia
2019 Knox Annual Art Exhibition, Knox Community Arts Centre, Melbourne, Australia
2019 VAS Norma Bull Scholarship Award Exhibition, VAS Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2019 The First Victoria Art Exhibition for Educators, VAS Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
One Conscience One Promise (EBEN) Co., Ltd. Position: Teaching Counselor (Part-time) | Guangzhou, China | 10.2023- PRESENT
• Periodically tailored personalized learning plans for each student, ensuring alignment with over
70% of target institution requirements.
• Delivered high-intensity one-on-one instruction, achieving a satisfaction rate of up to 95%.
• Optimized course programs and actively contributed to teaching research activities and branding
initiatives, including participation in market events.
Jiexin Technology Co., Ltd. Position: Engineering Designer| Guangzhou, China | 07.2023-PRESENT
• Involved in software development and communication terminal projects.
• Driving multiple technological innovations and applications that significantly contributed to the
company's growth.
• Successfully optimized product design solutions, leading to enhanced market competitiveness and
improved user experience.
CREATIVE ART MEL Position: Teaching Assistant (Part-time) | Melbourne, Australia| 06.2019-06.2022
• Assisted educational researchers in developing art courses, achieving a high customer satisfaction
rate of 98%.
• Supported researchers in refining and creating sample paintings according to specific
• Curated and organized image materials aligned with the course's tone, enriching the course's
creative resource library.
School of International Studies, Gachon University (South Korea).
Position: Communication Design Volunteer| Guangzhou, China | 07.2022-09.2022
• Designing a variety of promotional materials, including brochures, posters, banners, and digital
content for both online and offline campaigns, ensuring consistency with the school's brand identity
• Assisting with updates to the school's social media platforms
• Actively contributing to the development and refinement of the brand's VI system
2022 Melbourne Graduate Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
2019 MITS Scholarship, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
2019 VAS Norma Bull Scholarship Award, Melbourne, Australia
Member of the Victorian Artists Society, Melbourne, Australia
Member of the Guangdong Artists Association, Guangzhou, China
Member of the Guangdong Young Artists Association, Guangzhou, China
English – Full professional proficiency
Mandarin – Native or bilingual proficiency
Cantonese – Full professional proficiency
Hakka – Native or bilingual proficiency
Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere for visual graphics, UI, and web design, with advanced skills in SAI and Procreate drawing software. Possess extensive knowledge of MS Office and WPS applications and basic operational skills in Rhino.